April 05, 2011

CNW Day Twelve

Yo yo players,
What is good in the hood?

I cannot believe today is April 5th already, I remember starting third year in September and wondering where the heck I was going to end up on placement...and being scared to death of trying to find a job. Guess what? It's all good! I am doing placement with an awesome company, and am working with amazing people. *smiles*

Today was all over the place, and I did my first wave of organization. Yes...I am an extremely organized individual, but sometimes I like to not only be able to SEE things, I like to be able to touch them. With that in mind I went through all the quotes I have been receiving for various upcoming CNW events and PRINTED them. Yes, I wasted paper...but now I can actually look at them all side-by-side and not have to got through the hundreds of e-mails I have sent in the past two weeks. Other than that I wrote speaking notes for the CNW Breakfast with the Media event (April 15th). It was fun, and will be even MORE fun to hear someone else say my words. :D

Here was my CNW to-do list for the day:
- Proof read survey
- Edit May events calendar info/add new events
- Follow-up with Ace Awards flower arrangements
- Work on weekly blog post
- Finish events outline
- Print ALL quotes for ALL events
- Write Breakfast with the Media speaking notes for MC

Here was my personal to-do list of the day:
- TWEET (for me and Paw+Paw)
- Track shipping of portfolio, and make sure it is delivered safely
- Apply for Account Coordinator position (re: Kathy's Facebook post)
- Apply for new LinkedIn job posting
- Vote for spirit of the Greg's Award
- Gear up for AdLounge Dinner Series interview tomorrow

The reason I do not say exactly which jobs I apply for is because of COMPETITION. If they job is being advertised like crazy then I can assume lots of people are applying, but otherwise I might as well not give people the information (and possibly raise my chances of at least getting an interview). You think I am mean? Well, I am one of the nicest people on the planet, and for once I have been told by EVERYONE that I need to put myself first and go for it...so that is exactly what I am trying to do. :D

Please cross your fingers for me (that mean you Mom) tomorrow at 1pm. I will be sitting in my interview, and doing my best to impress the Boost Agents so I can move on to the next phase. I will do some research tonight, and begin tomorrow with a lovely early-morning workout.

Ta ta for now my darlings,
- Mandi

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