September 12, 2010

One week down!

Hello readers,
If I haven't said this before I will say it right now for the record, time flies. The first week of my last year in college is already over, and I begin the second tomorrow. Mind you the first was only three days due to the fact that we started on Wednesday...but regardless, it went quick.

So far I have discovered that this is going to be a pretty interesting year, and I mean that in the best way possible. I have a few teachers that I have never had before, and am looking forward to getting to know them and learning as much as I can. Adda, a psychology professor (amoung other things) taught the single best first class I have ever had. We learned a bit about her life, why she ended up teaching the course, and had some fun getting to know her. I think her class will be full of surprises and good times, it's refreshing to have someone a bit unconventional and 'out of the box' as a teacher.

I am surprised, excited and even someone scared to announce that the true test of my life has arrived. After almost a year of working as a Bartender at Stages Nightclub for only a few nights a week I have been recognized. This past week, along with the week to come, I have been scheduled for shifts on every night the bar is open except for one. Last week was not a big deal because I wasn't in school until Wednesday, but this week I have a couple days where I am up until 4am and then have classes early the next day....sigh. I fear that any looks I have will be ruined from late nights and lost sleep, here come the bags! Fear not Mandi, you can pull through this and when you figure out your new sleeping pattern you will be good as new, with a little extra money in the bank.

Ta ta for now my darlings.
It is time for me to have a nap, even though I got up less than an hour ago.
(See, it's already slowly killing me!)

- Mandi

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